I am pleased to announce that Drive to School, a short film made in collaboration with Pip Cree, will be screened online on the 29 June 2023 at 1pm.
Drive to School is a short film that documents the motivations of young Christian missionaries Charles and Ai who are striving to bring education and hope to Cambodia’s stateless children. Moved by witnessing the vulnerability to prostitution these children face to make ends meet, they attempt to offer alternative routes to learning and employment. Not without challenges along the way.
The screening of the film will be followed by a Q&A and conversation with Professor Deirdre McKay. Registration is free! Sign up here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkdOmrrzIqHNUBN6nhtH9PIQ8d-Gf7pNin#/registration
I had the privilege of sitting down and talking with the Association of Southeast Asian Studies about the making of the film and multimodal anthropology In the Driving Seat: An Interview with the director of Drive to School – ASEAS (aseasuk.org)